Saturday, September 10, 2011

Could you love me?

Could You Love Me Like My God?
By Beth Fowler

Could you reassure me that we'll always be together?
Could you always be glad to hear from me, no matter how long it's been?
Could you always forgive me?
Could you help me overcome my shortcomings?
Could you encourage me?
Could you always accept me, especially when I can't accept myself?
Could you be with me in spirit?
Could you make me tremble?
Could you travel everywhere with me?
Could you turn my burdens into wings?
Could you take away my fear?
Could you always delight in me?
Could you want me to be free?
Could you ask only for my love?
Could you give me strength when I feel weak?
Could you be steadfast in your love so that it endures forever?
Could you save me a place to sit beside you?
Could you be faithful?
Could you enjoy sharing peace and quiet?
Could you always be my shield?
Could you heal my hurts and wounds?
Could you turn my sadness into laughter?
Could you never leave me?
Could you always be a blessing?
Could you save me from myself?
Could you be my stronghold in times of trouble?
Could you reward me more than I deserve?
Could you always be concerned about me?
Could you be my resting place?
Could you always melt my heart?
Could you trust me to do things for you?
Could you fill my cup so full its always overflowing?
Could you assure me that you're on your way so it's easier to wait for you?
Could you always have room in your heart for me?
Could you offer me everything you have?
Could you let me know I'm precious to you?
Could you have a mighty arm and a strong hand when I lean on you?
Could you always keep your promises?
Could you not mind when I pour out my heart to you?
Could you be my fortress when things don't go my way?
Could you carry me when I'm too tired?
Could you never break your word?
Could you be my shepherd?
Could you be so much a part of me that I never feel alone?
Could you never cease to amaze me?
Could you never turn away when I need you?
Could you be my refuge from the world?
Could you always give me HOPE?
Could you calm and quiet my soul?
Could you never turn away from me?
Could you mend my broken heart?
Could you claim me as your own?
Could you be the answer to my prayers?
Could you prove to me over and over how much I can entrust to you?
Could you promise to spend eternity with me?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mocha Coconut

Well, its 7:45am (been on the road since 6:00am) and we’re heading down to Gainesville, Florida to visit some family friends before we travel back up to Tybee Island, Georgia. We haven’t been on a family vacation in about 6 years, so this is pretty exciting. Sometimes I love a good, long car trip. It gives me some time to think and really sort of clear my head a bit. I find myself stuck in Wilmore a good portion of the time, so it’s a beautiful thing to get out and travel! I love being reminded how absolutely gorgeous Kentucky is, even from I-75. I love driving through different cities and towns. I love looking at license plates from lots of different places. I love plugging in my headphones and letting Ben Rector serenade me as I contemplate my purpose in life. I love so much about traveling, I definitely wish I did it more often. I think when I grow up I’ll travel around some, just to explore and find new things and places. Plus I love meeting new people. 

Its hard to believe that its nearly August. I can honestly say that I’m ready for school to start. This year is going to be a challenging but rewarding one for sure. I have so much stuff for my major, I have RA, class cabinet, junior retreat, junior/senior, and hopefully life will take some exciting turns this year as well. At church on Sunday we were challenged to think about and write about where we would like to be in 10 years, I think I’ll do that for sure. When Donald Miller came to speak at Southland he talked about how important it is for us to have a vision for our lives, to know where we’re going and to be willing to let that change with time and wisdom. When you have a vision and you know where you want to go its more difficult to go astray and get distracted. When I fear the unknown or wonder about the plans God has for me and my life I get distracted from the importance of focusing on the here and now. All that being said, its been a good summer for the most part. I feel like I’m just a happier person. I’ve been able to let go of a lot of emotional junk and I’ve dealt with some hang ups and let downs too. I’m growing so much in my relationship with God and I’m so excited to see that continue throughout the school year. But for now, I’ll be counting my blessings and figuring out where and who I want to be in 10 years…

                   Much Love.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Count 'em.

Life is a funny thing. As soon as you think you've got everything mostly figured out, life throws you for a loop. The past few weeks I have just felt stuck, looking for some kind of "loop". The whole daily grind, monotonous, 9:00-5:00 week has seemed to plague my summer and consequently cloud my vision. In my general lack of excitement I have forgotten to just stop and count my blessings. I was reminded that in life I have so much to be thankful for and so much to bring me joy. I came across a journal entry from last fall containing a list of 50 things I am thankful for. This week I intend to make it 100. There are so many things that I should definitely be thankful for and sometimes getting it down on paper is the best way to "take inventory," if you will. The best part? You can never really run out of things to be thankful for. Having a thankful heart really just helps us be more in tune to the blessings that Jesus pours out on us daily. So, I hope you know what you're thankful for. :)

1. A Savior that loves me unconditionally regardless of my stupid mistakes. He allows me to wake up every morning as a new creation!
2. My parents, who have taught me that though life is certainly not easy, love and hope can overcome anything.
3. My little brother for not getting too mad at me for treating him like my kid sometimes. I just love you and want the very best for you.
4. A family that has taught me an immeasurable amount of lessons about life. To love as much as you can and to cherish each other because today may be all we've got.
5. Music. When I just can't think of what I'd like to say or how I feel, music does.
6. Friends that never cease to amaze me on a daily basis. They have hearts and eyes fixed on Jesus and it definitely shows. Thank you for being there for me when life gets rough and when its full of joy, I love sharing it with you! Thank you for understanding who I am.
7. Asbury University...The place where I've met some of the best friends I have and where I grow and learn so much every day.
8. Grace and a Heavenly Father who gives abundant amounts of it.
9. Books . I love the smell of books and the sight of a full bookshelf.
10. To have a God who's heart it is to love us like His children.
11. Love because I am incredibly blessed to love so many people in my life and even more blessed to have them love me back.
12. The fact that laughter or a smile can turn any day around! :)
13. Cameras and being able to take pictures and capture life in a small but significant way.
14. God's creation. It amazes me how intricately designed everything is, from each flower to the leaves on a tree, to every sunrise and sunset. The beauty of it all astounds me.
15. My freedom and those who fight for it. Thank you for those who have served and are serving, you are very much appreciated.
16. Colors, life would be so boring without them!
17. Suffering because although it hurts, it teaches me compassion.
18. The seasons and how they consistently bring change from the changing of the leaves, to the length of the day, to snowflakes, flowers, rain....I love it.
19. My sweet dog Mollie for making me smile a lot and for being being such a cutie!
20. Fridays..well just the whole weekend in general for bringing rest and fun when I need it.
21. Scripture and  all that I can learn from it.
22. Being able to attend church wherever I want and worship how I want.
23. The Awakened class and how much I love them. Its amazing to see so many special gifts in one group of people. Also for Ben and Kara for loving us and getting us through out freshman year, you guys rock!
24. Hoodies, wearing one is like getting a hug all day!
25. The beach! I love love love how beautiful and relaxing it is to be there!
26. The Dominican Republic and how much I learned about myself and God's heart for people there.
27. The sound of rain on the roof...There's no better sound to fall asleep to.
28. All the teachers I've had throughout the years. I appreciate everything you've taught me.
29. The small things in life...
30. Nice guys. Sometimes they seem kind of far and few between, but I know they're out there. I am especially thankful for the nice guys I know. I promise you're appreciated. :)
31. Freshly fallen snow. Its so delicate and crisp and sort of like a soft blanket that covers everything in a peaceful white.
32. Wildflowers...actually just flowers in general. They're really pretty.
33. Being sensitive. I may cry too much sometimes but I'm content knowing that my sensitivity allows me to be sensitive to how others feel.
34. Sunshine. Just to soak it up for a while, such a good feeling.
35. The moon and stars for filling the night skies with twinkling beauty.
36. Random acts of kindness, they warm the heart.
37. Coffee and cute coffee mugs and chocolate!
38. All the sweet kiddos I babysit, I've learned so much from them.
39. Hugs. They really just speak more than words do sometimes.
40. Encouragement, because I need it daily.
41. Driving and my car. Sometimes I just need to be alone and driving around with the windows down and the music blaring is the best way to do it.
42. Water. Having clean water whenever I need it is a big deal. I take it for granted far too often when there are so many people who go without.
43. Wilmore and all of its quirky little festivities. Such a precious little town filled with such kind and sweet people.
44. All the things I learned from my Granny while she was here. She was such an amazing lady with a heart just bursting with love for people.
45. Dancing, even though I'm not good at it.
46. Joy and having joy in my heart. Even on bad days I know that I have a light and that alone is reason to be joyful.
47. Today. Its all we've got really. Live in the present and cherish each day for it is a gift.
48. Crayons because sometimes its good to be reminded of the simplicity of childhood.
49. Sleep. There is nothing like a soft pillow and a warm blanket after a long day.
50. How amazingly, wonderfully, and intricately unique we all are , yet all created in God's image. How cool is that!

50 more to come...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

On the bandwagon...

I have never really entertained the idea of blogging... but I like to write and I certainly could use an outlet for my random and continuous absurd thoughts and stories. As a lover of life and people, I tend to observe things a lot. Everyone has seen that kid in the outfield just daydreaming and contemplating the meaning of life right... the quintessential kid picking daisies, hence the blog name. I often find myself in the outfield of life just picking daisies. I need to be reminded sometimes to just be that kid, to be quiet and still, to just listen. So, while some blogs have an underlying purpose, mine doesn't. I just like to talk, even when no one is listening sometimes.